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Addiction Treatment Frequently Asked Questions
I think my loved one is an addict. How do I confront them?
Before confrontation, be prepared. Arm yourself with the facts. Learn about their addiction so you can have an informed conversation with them about their behavior. We suggest you have a script. Carefully choose your thoughts to make an effective point and outline the behaviors in the addict that are causing problems. It is critical that you research recovery options and insurance coverage so that you can offer your loved one a plan to recovery or the medical treatment they need should they decide to get help.
Tread lightly. Addicts and alcoholics are very sensitive and may get angry if you confront them head on. It is best to come from an assertive yet loving and caring place.Finally, hold your ground. The addict must know there has to be change- or else. There must be negative consequences if they don’t get help. Examples may include kicking them out of the house, withholding visitation rights to their children, cutting them off financially etc. These consequences will make the problem feel real and put pressure on the addict to get help.
We realize that an intervention is a difficult and uncomfortable experience. But in the case of the addict or alcoholic, tough love is the best kind of love. Remember that the alternative is far more gruesome than the confrontation.
For more information on this topic please call one of our treatment specialists to discuss your options.
I suspect my loved one has a substance abuse problem. How do I know for sure?
Drug addicts show signs of substance abuse in many aspects of their lives. It is common for them to miss work, neglect family and friends, and constantly find themselves in financial binds. Unfortunately, addiction to drugs and alcohol is an all-consuming disease and getting high or drunk is the most important thing in the addict’s life. If you notice that money or valuables in your home are missing, your loved one may be stealing from you to buy drugs or alcohol.
Their sleep cycle may be unusual. Some substances keep them awake through the night causing them to sleep during the day, and others relax them causing them to sleep for many hours at a time. Signs of substance abuse may be reflected in their physical appearance as well. They may suddenly gain or lose a lot of weight, dilated pupils and bad hygiene. If any or all of these signs are apparent please call our center immediately for more information.
What is addiction?
Why do they call addiction and alcoholism a disease?
The world health organization defines a disease as a “pathological condition resulting in impairment in the mental health or physical functioning of an individual.” Under this definition, addiction certainly qualifies.
The main reason for calling it a disease lies in 4 of the disorder’s characteristics:
- Primary: The symptom of the disease of addiction and alcoholism do not stem from another disorder.
- Chronic: A chronic disease means that once you have the illness, you’ll always have it although lifelong recovery is possible.
- Progressive: A progressive disease indicates that the symptoms get worse over time.
- Fatal: A fatal disease means that addiction can kill its host thought an accident, overdose, withdrawal symptoms, suicide homicide or biological deterioration.
I or my loved one is an addict and I am ashamed. What can I do?
We understand that there is a social stigma related to drug and alcohol addiction. This is why our center teaches the disease process which is taught to patients and families to reduce the view that addiction is a weakness of character or moral failing.
A disease clearly implies that the disorder is serious and is beyond the user’s will power to stop. Therefore, we suggest you meditate on this truth. Pray for the strength to accept and face this reality within yourself or a loved one.
For further support, please do not hesitate to contact one of our treatment specialist!
What can I expect in myself or in my loved one during treatment?
You may experience a temptation to present a different part of yourself, or create a “front.” You may avoid talking about your feelings or keep secrets. There may be resistance on your part by arriving late to meetings, staying silent in group sessions, or refuse to complete your assignments from your therapists.
It is common for our patients to focus on what is wrong with the other patients, staff, the program, family matters finances and any other circumstances that may deter their ability to take responsibility for their actions.
Occasionally, you may feel that your feeling of anger, hurt or fear may be more intensified during treatment than before treatment. In some occasions, you may start thinking that what happened to you was not that bad and that other people’s needs are more important.
All these defense mechanisms are geared to resist treatment and change. The best thing to do is to be aware and try to discover a new perspective of self-worth with the realization that you are precious simply because God made you! The choice is yours!
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