God Is Enough | JC Recovery Center
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God Is Enough

By: jcrecovery January 9, 2020 no comments

God Is Enough

Why do we suffer?

Over the years working in substance abuse and mental health one of the first questions I ask is “what do you want out of treatment?” and almost everyone says “I want to be happy.”

Ask anyone what they want out of life and they will most likely tell you “I want to be happy.”

Why is it that so many of us feel lost, overwhelmed, depressed, lonely and isolated? Why do so many people who have substance use disorder report these feelings at excruciating levels?

We have blocked ourselves off from God. Trauma and adversity has blocked us off from God. We believe we are alone in this world and have no purpose or meaning. Our abuse of drugs creates shame, isolation and a false sense of separation from our loving creator.

A belief in God gives you purpose, meaning, strength and courage.

Sometimes life will knock you down. However, when we believe that God is with us, we find the strength and power to overcome any obstacle.

A belief in God gives us purpose. We believe that we are worthy of love and belonging. And people who love themselves don’t slowly kill themselves with drugs and alcohol.

We believe we can be forgiven. We believe we are all connected and want to serve others. We can release the need to control everything and everyone. We can see purpose in our past.

We believe that God is enough to get us through anything in life. We release unhealthy attachments and can live a life filled with gratitude.

God is the answer. He always has been and always will be.

Want to live a happy life? We want that for you to.

If you’re struggling call us at 1-844-JCHOUSE or DM. We are here for you.

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