RIP Active Addiction – Stop Killing a Generation
RIP Active Addiction – Stop Killing a Generation
In the midst of the upcoming holidays, I am left to reflect on a topic that is near and dear to my heart. The loss of life that is happening to our brothers and sisters in active addiction. We are right now in the middle of an opiate epidemic and we are losing people to the disease of addiction left and right. I personally had to say goodbye to my best friend in June who struggled for years and ultimately lost his fight to this disease. I’m not alone either. We see countless other posting RIP statuses or speaking of a lost loved one. I’m left to think about all the families that will be missing their loved ones this holiday season. The parents that have lost a son or daughter and the children that have lost a mother or father. I’ve seen some of the best people I’ve ever met end their life trying to get high. It senseless and tragic and needs to stop. Here at JC Recovery Center, we see first hand what this disease does to families. It is devastating. It tears families apart. Through counseling and therapy, we have been able to restore broken relationships and families and sew together the threads ravaged during active addiction.
This year more then ever in my life I have seen more people die as a direct result of there addiction then anyone should see in a lifetime. What’s going on the streets is so terrifying and yet so treatable.

This disease does not have to be a life sentence. There is hope out there, there is a chance for complete restoration. Restoration of mind, body, and soul. Restoration of families. There is a chance for you or your loved one to lead a promising a fulfilling life. Here at JC Recovery Center, we see people go through a complete change and begin to heal and recover.
If you are struggling or you have a loved one struggling. This is my plea to you. REACH OUT!
Do not put it off another day. Tomorrow is never promised. Talk to people about the problems, seek therapy. I urge you to get help and not to become the next statistic. There is not an addict out there that would be injecting these drugs if they knew that shot would kill them. We don’t know until it’s too late. It’s playing Russian Roulette every time we use. If you are the addict still struggling, we want you to know that you are loved and cared for, that it is never too late.
We need to all stick together right now more than ever. We need to rally together and show those struggling that there is always hope for them.
-Nicole Jackson, Admission Director, JC Recovery Center